Monday, April 24, 2023


August 31, 2022 - I came to Palawan with a luggage, a laptop bag and a broken heart. Only my closest friends knew what I was going through that time. Sa dami ng mga nangyari sa 'kin, which most of you may know, I needed some time to reflect and process everything since I've never had that chance.

Palagi kong sinasabi sa sarili ko at maging sa ibang tao during that time na okay lang ako. But the truth is, I'm not.

And I'm glad that despite my flaws and shortcomings, Palawan welcomed me with open arms. And in a short period of time, this place which is considered as the last frontier of the Philippines became my second home.

Right now, I can say that I am now in a much better place. I am still heartbroken somehow. Lost even. But I am starting to pick up the pieces that was once shattered.

And I'm sure that one day, I'll be 100% okay again.

But for now, lemme share to you some of my adventures here in Palawan.